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Kommunalt forum 2018-06-01 - Region Jönköpings län
OECD:s årliga sammanställning över medlemsländernas köpkraftsjusterade BNP per capita brukar benämnas ”välståndsligan”. Enligt OECD hade Sverige 2018 en BNP per capita på drygt 53 000 dollar. Overview: In 2019 Singapore was the number 33 economy in the world in terms of GDP (current US$), the number 18 in total exports, the number 16 in total imports, the number 9 economy in terms of GDP per capita (current US$) and the number 6 most complex economy according to the Economic Complexity Index (ECI). Exports: The top exports of Singapore are Integrated Circuits ($55.4B), Refined This study investigates the linkages and value-added from goods and services exports to on per capita GDP in Cameroon between 1999 to 2018.
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In contrast, world trade in commercial services grew by 8 Saudi Arabia possesses around 17 per cent of the world's proven petroleum reserves. The oil and gas sector accounts for about 50 per cent of gross domestic product, and about 70 per cent of export earnings. GDP per capita ($), 23, A country is considered to be export-commodity-dependent when more than 60 such as growth of gross domestic product (GDP) and per capita GDP levels, 29 Mar 2020 Diversification is measured using the growth of per capita non-resource ( manufacturing and services) sectors in domestic and export markets, 5 Oct 2013 Trade flows appear twice if both the importer and exporter report their trade statistics to the UN. 7The region classification of the World Bank is 23 May 2014 Russia, $57.72 per capita. 3. Switzerland, $25.63 per capita The total value of military equipment exported by Sweden and Switzerland last 23 May 2014 1. Israel, $97.71 per capita · 2. Russia, $57.72 per capita · 3.
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4 Qatar This entry provides the total US dollar amount of merchandise exports on an f.o.b. (free on board) basis. These figures are calculated on an exchange rate basis, i.e., not in purchasing power parity (PPP) terms. Figures expressed per capita for the same year.
Tyskland har fyra gånger så stor Kina-export som Sverige
Quarterly data on mortality Export (Tjeckien, 2019) = 186483271375 $. Export, per capita (Tjeckien, 2019) = 17445.9 $. BNI per capita, Atlas-metoden (löpande US $) ? BNP per capita, PPP (fasta internationella $ 2011) ?
uppgifterna är hämtade från Världsbankens databas World Development Indicators, se: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.PCAP.CD.
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Russia, $57.72 per capita · 3. Sweden, $53.05 per capita · 4. Belarus, $35.71 per capita · 5. Switzerland, $25.63 per 14 Sep 2020 That indicator is exports per capita from 1990 to 2019 and is shown in the graph. Since 1990, Bangladesh's exports have increased by 6.2 times 26 May 2020 activities that happen within their territory, which means countries that export more than they import will likely have higher per capita emissions. 21 Jun 2013 Natural resource endowment in per capita terms and export dependence, 2005.
The GDP per Capita in Papua New Guinea is equivalent to 20 percent of the world's average. GDP per capita in Papua New Guinea averaged 1681.31 USD from 1960 until 2019, reaching an all time high of 2505.10 USD in 2019 and a record low of 1012.40 USD in 1960. That indicator is exports per capita from 1990 to 2019 and is shown in the graph. Since 1990, Bangladesh’s exports have increased by 6.2 times compared to Pakistan’s,
Humanity’s water footprint: US exports the most, uses the most per capita You've heard of carbon footprints. A recent paper delves into humanity's water … Scott K. Johnson - Feb 23, 2012 12:30
Rank Country / Entity Exports per capita, US$ Date of information 1 Liechtenstein 100,615 2011 est. 2 Hong Kong 66,808 2016 est. 3 Singapore 63,775 2016 est.
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Export, per capita (Tjeckien, 2019) = 17445.9 $. BNI per capita, Atlas-metoden (löpande US $) ? BNP per capita, PPP (fasta internationella $ 2011) ? Export av IKT-tjänster (% av tjänsteexporten, BoP) ? BNP per capita, PPP (fasta internationella $ 2011) ? Export av IKT-tjänster (% av tjänsteexporten, BoP) ?
17 Apr 2019 The top GDPs in the world belong to the US and China, and it's not close. But when it comes to GDP per capita — which breaks down the GDP
Market OverviewBack to top · Real GDP will decrease by 4% in 2020, after gains of 0.7% in 2019. · The real value of private final consumption rose by 3.7% in 2019
Per capita is a common term used in economics, human geography and statistics . It means per person or per head of the population. In 2016, the UK was the tenth-largest exporter of goods in the world, exporting goods to 160 countries worldwide.
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Bristen på regional exportstatistik gör det svårt för regionerna, som har det Det visar sig då att Blekinge är det län som hade högst varuexportvärde per Störst andel varuexporterande företag per capita i länet har Gnosjö kommun följt av Gislaved kommun och därefter kommer Värnamo kommun. Totalt ligger 10 How is it that Sweden, a small nation with a peaceful image, came to be one of the biggest arms exporting states per capita in the world?